
Healthcare Assistance services

During an illness, following an injury and any other event stipulated in your policy, you can contact our Operational Assistance Centre, which will take care of immediately putting you in contact with our medical team to evaluate the best solution. At home and wherever you are in the world, we provide you with the necessary healthcare assistance.



Healthcare transferHealthcare transferIn case of accident or illness, if the medical team believes that you need to be transferred to another healthcare institute - one that is better equipped and more suitable for the treatment to be carried out - or when you are overseas, we organise the healthcare transfer to the Hospital Centre that is closest to your residence in Italy. According to the seriousness of the case, you will be transported by train, ambulance, or aeroplane, or, within European countries only, by air medical transport.https://www.unipolassistance.it/en/services/assistance/welfare/healthcare-transfer7/1/2021 10:05:11 AM043065In case of accident or illness, if the medical team believes that you need to be transferred to another healthcare institute - one that is better equipped and more suitable for aspx382htmlFalseaspx<img alt="" src="/it/PublishingImages/3_servizi/trasferimento%20sanitario.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />0
Medical consultationMedical consultationAs an insurance holder, you can contact us to request a medical consultation, which will be performed by UnipolAssistance’s medical team. A first consultation will be carried out even before dispersing the healthcare assistance, to evaluate your health and to identify the most appropriate medical service.https://www.unipolassistance.it/en/services/assistance/welfare/medical-consultation7/1/2021 10:47:58 AM043067As an insurance holder, you can contact us to request a medical consultation, which will be performed by UnipolAssistance’s medical team A first consultation will be carried out aspx539htmlFalseaspx<img alt="" src="/it/PublishingImages/3_servizi/Consulto_medico.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />0
Early return of insurance holderEarly return of insurance holderShould a family member in Italy (spouse, common-law spouse, children, brothers, sisters, parents, parents-in-law, children-in-law, grandparents, uncles and aunts, and nieces and nephews up to the 3rd degree of kinship, including in-laws) die or be suddenly hospitalised, with imminent risk to life, UnipolAssistance organises your return before the date that you had planned and with a different means to that which was initially planned.https://www.unipolassistance.it/en/services/assistance/welfare/early-return7/1/2021 10:42:59 AM043064Should a family member in Italy (spouse, common-law spouse, children, brothers, sisters, parents, parents-in-law, children-in-law, grandparents, uncles and aunts, and nieces and aspx172htmlFalseaspx<img alt="" src="/it/PublishingImages/3_servizi/rientro_anticipato.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />0
Invio del medico a domicilioInvio del medico a domicilioSe hai bisogno di assistenza medica e non riesci a reperire un medico personalmente, puoi richiedere alla Centrale Operativa di inviarne uno al tuo domicilio. Qualora non fosse immediatamente disponibile, puoi chiedere di organizzare il tuo trasferimento in un Centro di Pronto Soccorso mediante autoambulanza. Questa assistenza è fruibile esclusivamente in Italia e limitatamente dalle ore 20.00 alle ore 8.00, oppure nei giorni festivi (24 ore).https://www.unipolassistance.it/en/services/assistance/welfare/sending-a-doctor7/1/2021 9:41:34 AM043069Se hai bisogno di assistenza medica e non riesci a reperire un medico personalmente, puoi richiedere alla Centrale Operativa di inviarne uno al tuo domicilio aspx183htmlFalseaspx<img alt="" src="/it/PublishingImages/3_servizi/Invio_personale_medico.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />0
Housekeeping staffHousekeeping staffIn case of hospitalization, if after the discharge you will not be able to take care of the housework, we will provide you with a housekeeper at your residence, who will be at your disposal for the time established by your insurance policy.https://www.unipolassistance.it/en/services/assistance/welfare/housekeeping-staff7/1/2021 10:08:07 AM043066In case of hospitalization, if after the discharge you will not be able to take care of the housework, we will provide you with a housekeeper at your residence, who will be at aspx169htmlFalseaspx<img alt="" src="/it/PublishingImages/3_servizi/Collaboratrice_domestica.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />0